Tuesday, February 04, 2014


Greetings – we give praise to God for a magnificent trip.   Not only was it pleasant, but it was also BLESSED.   Since January 10th God
did some stunning things, and one could really sense that He was making all the arrangements, ordering our steps, and sending His angel before us to “prepare the way”.   I was encouraged to pray “CLEAR ROADS” even though the 2nd “POLAR VORTEX “ was besieging a major portion of the U.S.  And He provided just that, giving us a travel “WINDOW”, as storms seemed to either ahead of us or behind us!!! 

He had ordered this move, and told me “without delay” - even though that would mean quitting one job, and moving without another job, nor a place to stay.  But it had become obvious at least on one point as to why.  He had put us on a MISSION, returning to America from Africa with the directive:  “DO NOT LET THEM DOWN”, referring to the poor and needy of Africa.  But even before we had left for Africa in 2000, He had given me a burden for America, indicating that a “storm” was coming to America (before “911), and citing Biblical verses as to why.  Thus, we have at least a two-pronged mission – America and to “reach out to the poor and needy of Africa.”   AMERICA NEEDS REVIVAL to deal with its sin problem.   And Africa needs help from its poverty problem.   And in reality the two are connected, since one of America's big problems is its greed.  Interestingly, Africa is thus part of America's ANSWER!  We search for solutions.  Therefore we SEARCH for a place and a people who will PRAY FOR AMERICA AND FOR REVIVAL.  And we search for a place where we can find people who have a HEART FOR AFRICA.  Sadly, we have yet to find that place.   Even so-called church congregations and “leaders” ignore us, close the door on us, and take a step back from us.   In effect, they “walk on the other side of the road” to avoid the person in need (parable of the Good Samaritan!).   In over 6 years, only Evelyn has been allowed to speak to her Sunday school class for the hard-of-hearing.  Ironic , that the real “hard-of-hearing” are the ones without that label.   Thus, we have once again stumbled onto the real problem in America  - the one behind all the VISIBLE TRAVESTIES of America.  And that is that the “light” is not being light!!  AMERICA NEEDS REVIVAL.

It is one thing when people will not hear us – a “voice for the voiceless” of Africa – but it is quite another thing when they begin to prevent us from “sounding the alarm”, and even begin to TARGET US!  The “enemy” does not appreciate his wicked agenda being threatened, or someone trying to wake people up, and eventually will begin to target whomever the threat may be.  That is why people react so VICIOUSLY at certain people like Sarah Palin, Tim Tebow, Chick-Fil-A, etc., because they dare to be light in the midst of filthy corruption and evil.  They dare to speak the TRUTH!  And TRUTH is powerful – it will make people FREE from the enemy's agenda. It will give people the ANSWER to their problems.  And people will be FREE, HAPPY,.....  Families will be FREE, HAPPY,......  Communities will be FREE, HAPPY,.....    And America WILL BE FREE, HAPPY,........   She”will be restored”.

Thus, the Lord showed me that it was not beneficial for us to stay in Orlando any longer and He directed us to move “without delay.”    And I set the date for the end of our apartment lease.   On January 10th, Stephanie Bowman of “One Heart for Women and Children” - a ministry where Evelyn did volunteer work, sent 2 prayer warriors over to our apartment to pray.  PRAYER WORKS! We had a powerful time of prayer, and 2 days later stunning things began to happen.  One thing after another!  Volunteers were line up to help us load up the truck, including 2 with moving experience!   Our Korean friend, Henny called one day and LOANED US HER VAN.  We had a way now to pick up my son Gerry flying in to the airport to do the driving for the 2-day trip.  By divine appointment we met a stranger at the market where we had gone to buy bananas, and she explained the “history” in Apopka which connected the dots as to what was behind the problems we had encountered when we had first moved there. What a phenomenal encounter. On top of that, while speaking to us the Lord told her to donate money to us – which she did – a very generous donation!  From a sister whom we had not even known!!  I wrote about this very phenomenon in an article before about “Friends, family, fans, and strangers”!! (Article enclosed) The hand of God was so POWERFUL leading up to the trip!

The actual trip turned out to be beautiful, really blessed. Just days before Atlanta had become a winter storm travel disaster, but the Lord had given us a “window”.  My son had to catch an air flight, and we arrived in time! On top of that – frosting on the cake- for the first time in over 10 years I was reunited with all my children at the same time to top off the day!!! It was a blessed trip!!!

Refueling close to Altanta - 02/01/2014

Thank you to those who prayed.  Please continue to pray:
One, for my younger son, Mike and family, who has allowed us to stay with them until we find employment and a place to rent.  
Two, for America, that God will allow the glory to fall and turn away this flood of evil in the land. 
Three, that He will lead us to the people He is giving us in the ministry (or them to us), and that He will bless and multiply the ministry for His glory.  
Four, for the people who so blessed us. Five, that the good Lord will lead us to EXACTLY THE RIGHT EMPLOYMENT, place, and ministry that He has planned for us.

And O Lord I ask You to reveal Yourself in a very real way to those who receive and read this, and that You would open up an avenue in their lives whereby You may pour out of Yourself into their lives for Your glory!!

“Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be glory.....”  Ephesians 3:20, 21(a).


Gerry, Karen, Paul & Mike - family again.