Sunday, November 06, 2011

The errors of the Wall St. protesters: part 2

November 6, 2011

The errors of the Wall St. protesters: part 2

Last week, on October 30th, 2011, I began this examination into the errors behind the street protests labelled “Occupy Wall St.”.  To recap from part 1, the very MOTIVES FOR THE PROTESTS ARE SELFISH AND IMPURE!   Union man Stephen Lerner himself laid out the real reason – the unions and community organizations are almost dead!  Thus, they laid out a plan to create chaos in order to make a POWER GRAB!!   And already these protests have attracted some of the most ungodly, unAmerican groups in America: the socialists, communitst, nazis, and islamists!

Secondly,  the protesters want to protest the “rich” in this country, when actually most of America is already “rich” when compared to the rest of the world who don't come close to enjoying what Americans take for granted.   I would challenge any American to visit real people in developing countries around the world in order to grasp the wide disparity in living conditions.   There is even a video of a young African American lady bragging about all the money she can get from welfare – no work, just receive taxpayer dollars!!

Another major error in the protesters' perspective has to do with them blaming capitalism for America's problems.   That's like blaming the spoon for obesity!!!   As old as America itself, if not longer, capitalism has been around!   And during this time America has grown and become one of the premiere countries of the world!   America became such a “land of opportunity” that people from all over the world desired to come here to enjoy of its fruits while employing a capitalistic system!  Thus, if the system was so deeply flawed then wouldn't its flaws have become self-evident long before now?  Instead, America has produced very positive results, such that people even come here illegally!

The protesters act as though the 'big banks” and Wall Stl are some kind of new phenomenon, but actually they have been around for decades!   They have pretty much remained a constant variable.  Thus, there must be another variable, or variables – something that has indeed changed, to explain this current economic crisis!!

First, one must understand that America is a “land of opportunity” due to a variety of reasons!  First and foremost this country sought God, to honor Him, and to put Him first!  As one Argentinian famously explained the differences between the 2 countries despite similar comparisons  to newsman Peter Jennings: “Our forefathers came here (to Argentina) looking for gold, but your people went to America looking for GOD!!!”   Different priorities produced different results!   Godly priorities made the difference!!   It is estimated that by the time of the American Revolution that God had so transformed America and its people that 90 to 99% of Americans were CHRISTIANS!   In 2001 a Nigerian told us that they call America “GOD'S  OWN  COUNTRY!”  Thus, when BO said that he was going to “fundamentally transform America” just some years later,  understand clearly exactly what he was saying..   Our motto became “ONE NATION UNDER GOD”!   Even on our currency, we put the words, “IN GOD WE TRUST”.   That sends a strong message that God is first, not our economy, nor our money!   And as America sought to honor God, God indeed blessed America!   The right priorities, the right values, produce the right results!  Those values included honoring God, hard work, discipline, personal sacrifice, personal responsibility, delayed gratification, respect for one another, love, generosity, kindness, living within one's means, and honesty.  America extolled virtue. 

So what has changed?   For one, America's time-honored values have been eroding.  Greedy, corrupt politicians, interested in staying in office, have propagated a welfare state mentality in order to buy votes.  This has encouraged a decline in morals, responsibility, and work ethic!   A whole subculture arose of people who exploited other people and the system (not capitalism, but the government welfare system!) to feed their stomachs and get big!   And they continued to elect people who enabled their irresponsible lifestyle.  This was explained well in Star Parker's book: “PIMPS, WHORES, AND WELFARE BRATS.”    She broke the “code of silence” to expose what was going on.  The movie “BLINDSIDE', based on a true story, illustrated very well the devastating effects of this subculture and its  lifestyle.   It was also a beautiful illustration of Christian love making a difference in someone's life.

Love and unity produces strength.   Selfish disunity, ambition, and laziness do not.  There is now a whole subculture of people in America bred on an “entitlement mentality” who don't want to work, who want to feed their stomachs by exploiting others and using taxpayer money given to them by the government.  In effect, they have been bought out (for their votes) by the government “plantation”.  Their neighborhoods seethe with lawlessness, crime, drugs, gangs, murder...... yet the democratic party continues to coddle them.  This is a major drain on the country and its economy.   This decline in values and this growth of  “entitlement mentality” has been 2 main factors that have changed that would help to explain current problems.  We must return to the Godly values that built this nation.

A grave error of the protesters, therefore, is to demand “redistribution of wealth”.   That's exactly what has been going on since the 60's!  That's exactly what has contributed to the problems.  A  COUNTRY  NEEDS  TO  PRODUCE.   Every citizen should be producing, and then a country will grow!   Otherwise, one “eventually runs out of other people's money” to pass around!  PRODUCTION needs to be encouraged, nor more irresponsibility, laziness, and esploitation!   What the protesters want is VERY ANTI-BIBLICAL.   The Bible teaches that someone “reaps what they sow”.   But the protesters want people to reap what someone else has sown!   The Bible teaches CHARITY – the voluntary giving of one to a neighbor our of love.   It does not teach coercion and governmental tyranny!    Chapter 5 of James teaches us that God is very well aware of fraud in the working place.  But, then the Bible tells the defrauded to be PATIENT, and to “Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemmed.....”   James 5:9.    Those are some very serious words.   And the protesters are in direct disobedience of God's Word!

What has changed?   Capitalism has been pretty much a constant throughout America's history.  History itself refutes the protesters claims!    Histoy also clearly illustrates the disastrous, murderous, and ironically impoverishing results of a socialistic/communistic system of “redistribution”.  What has changed has been the Christian values that contibuted mightily to the growth of this nation.  Now both the government and the protesters are promoting  values which are contrary.    Typically, agendas such as those embraced by the protesters  will actually lead to the destruction of a country, to chaos on the streets, and then eventually heavy-handed tyrannical government!   PEACE, LOVE, UNITY, SACRIFICE, CHARITY, HARD WORK, PRODUCTION is what we need, not divisive class warfare, hate, envy, covetousness, violence, and destruction.   We need God to bless America!   With the right priorities, values, and attitudes it can happen.   With all the poor in the world who are suffering, America needs to repent of its selfishness, and begin to reach out in CHRISTIAN LOVE AND CHARITY TO THE POOR, and not to be so concerned about ourselves all the time.

Thanksgiving is approaching.   Let us give THANKS TO GOD FOR HIS MANIFOLD BLESSINGS TO AMERICA  and at the same time begin to find ways to love and help one another here, as well as find ways to reach out to the poor in other nations.   There are so many people living on $1 or $2 a day.   There are so many single mothers in the world trying to support their family without the education and work opportunities we have here in America, and without government programs that we already have here in America.   Let us remember the less fortunate.  Let us help them.


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