Sunday, January 01, 2012


 To help people keep perspective, and to keep from getting sidetracked, I am posting this article from Sept. 2011 in 2012 so that people can understand what is going on: BO is taking America's wealth, spending the country into bankruptcy, while bankrolling his friends, and increasing the rolls of those on gov't entitlement programs, and now he wants to take even more of America's wealth.   paul

September 25, 2011
Like a bad marriage, like it or not America elected a man of sin, who endorses the killing of babies and sodomy from the grade school to the military, and who defends the very evil inherent in the brutal attack on American soil of innocent civilians on "9-11-01", to be president of the United States of America ONE OF THE GREATEST COUNTRIES THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN, DEDICATED TO CHRISTIAN VALUES AND TO LIBERTY COUPLED WITH RESPONSIBILITY EVERYWHERE!   Such a contrast – a country which a Nigerian man described as " GOD'S   OWN   COUNTRY" electing, and in effect being "wed to", and being led by a man who was tutored under islam and communism while growing up, who sought out Marxist professors in college, and who as an adult sat under the tutelage of an ANTI-AMERICAN, ETHNICALLY-BIASED mentor for 20 years – only finally distancing himself somewhat for political reasons in order to get elected!!!     He is the ANTIPATHY of everything America stands for.   After a very pompous ceremony, America has awoken to the REALITY   of finding itself "contractually obligated" to and controlled by a man who, with FEIGNED words and a slobbering posse of media 'groupies', only "married" FOR THE MONEY!!   In actuality, he does not love the one he "married".    She was sincere.   He was not!    He loves himself.    He loves power and money.    He loves "another woman"!    And when she finds the TRUTH, she is devastated!    A   BAD   MARRIAGE!
But what can she do?    She is contractually obligated to serve a man who despises everything she stands for, even her sincerest desire for a harmonious, exemplary relationship.    He 'keeps up appearances' to conceal his true motives and hypocrisy, but hardly misses an opportunity to exalt himself, nor an excuse to dump on her in the presence of others.   The discerning eye picks up what is really happening.   And quickly notices how he lavishes his "girlfriend" with a luxurious vacation in Spain, while he keeps the one he "wed" impoverished and suffering his neglect at home.   The discerning eye notices how fond he is of unilaterally cavorting with those who secretly and openly mock and scoff at her.    He joins in, playing the victim, soaking up the "sympathy"!   He openly condones the "poisoning of the waters" by his cohorts, welcoming the widening divisions and gulfs being formed, while he waits for the time and the perfect excuse to get rid of her without tarnishing his narcissistic image.    Even better – he allows others to do his dirty work by stepping aside for his "posse" of "attack sharks" to voraciously tear her limb from limb.   Sowing seeds of division, he addresses an hispanic audience, using inciteful language, and says, "We must punish our enemies" – talking about her!!   Punish?   Is this what he meant when he said he was going to "fundamentally transform" America?    WHY ALL the indignation?   Why all the "huffing and puffing", and cavorting with "scoffers" and haters?    Why all the unjust propaganda and smears?    Just like Hitler "fundamentally transformed" Germany!!   It's a trap!    The plan is first to dominate, then to eliminate!
But what can she do?    She has entered into a "marriage" contract!   She "married" for the RIGHT REASONS, he did not!   She wants to be faithful, but he is faithful only to himself and the "other woman".   He only wanted her power, her money, and then do away with and destroy her after he has used her and has no further use for her.   Thus, he has racked up almost 4 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEFICITS in about 3 years' time!    NEVER BEFORE HAS THIS BEEN DONE IN THE HISTORY OF AMERICA.     Even by her "wealthy standards",   she is shocked at the exuberant amount of money that has gone out the door so fast.   He is spending her money into bankruptcy!    Already her standing has been lowered by the reputable S&P.    NEVER BEFORE HAS THIS HAPPENED IN AMERICA!!!    He blames them, not his reckless and irresponsible spending.   She decides that she has been too lax, and decides to take a closer look at the fiscal matters to see what is going on.
Remarkably, she discovers that he has wholly "invested" almost   $4 TRILLION ON HIMSELF, FOR HIMSELF, and nothing for her!!!    And she humbly goes to intreat of him if it wouldn't have been BETTER TO CONSULT WITH HER.    And she humbly asks why almost $4 TRILLION went towards "his investments" and "vested interests" and she was excluded???
At this inquiry he grows indignate, angry, and accusatory.    He makes defiant speeches.    He accuses her of not wanting to help the poor, when in actuality he has spent the $ on his agenda and on his friends, while POVERTY   INCREASED!    The poor are only a cloak for him to hide behind.   The proof is seen in that after a huge "investment", poverty has only increased, not decreased.   Thus, he is the one not helping the poor!!   Like that pesky little "Toto" in the Wizard of Oz, American patriots have begun to pull back the curtain to reveal the truth of the pretentious "wizard of DC" bellowing out from behind his teleprompter, " HOW   DARE   YOU   QUESTION   OR   EVEN   INTRUDE   UPON   THE   PRESENCE   OF   THE GREAT   AND   MIGHTY   BO"!     RED, WHITE, AND BLUE "DOROTHY" IS TAKEN ABACK that her simple little request for fiscal responsibility and accountability would elicit such a harsh response!!!    HER REQUEST IS NOT OUT OF PLACE, HIS ATTITUDE IS!!    His attitude and accusations say everything.   He is trying to conceal something, and he is trying to intimidate people away from finding out who and what is behind the curtain!!!
The "wicked witch" appears on the scene with her "henchmen" throwing flaming arrows at the ones daring to pull back the curtain to reveal the truth.    Somehow, they have determined that humble intreaties for fiscal sanity is now grounds for "racism".    In their lack of wisdom they do not understand that we are all ONE RACE – all traceable back to Adam and Eve, and thus all brothers and sisters!!   Thus, the charge is made by those who see color and division, and not unity.     And in effect, are they not revealing the discriminatory bias in their own hearts by inferring that someone's color is so ' special ' that they are above all calls for fiscal responsibility and accountability??!!  
After all, doesn't it t matter that she has given him HER CHECKBOOK , and he is SPENDING    HER   WEALTH   INTO BANKRUPTCY?!!   Yet, she is the one being accused – even though she is the one being hurt and he is the one who is benefitting?!!    What!?   That is not even logical.   It's like the fox in the henhouse accusing the owner of the henhouse of discrimination for asking why he, the fox, is eating and consuming ALL THE CHICKENS FOR HIMSELF!!!
En lugar de leaving an inheritance, he heaps scorn upon her and destruction upon her house..   For asking, "Why, why, o why do you want to do this?", his anger and hatred is kindled towards her, and with murderous intent he threatens her , angrily saying he will fight her and kill her!!
A BAD MARRIAGE!    AN EVIL, ABUSIVE MAN whose friends even continually attack, and scoff at her, while he stands by.   What is she to do?    He cavorts with her detractors and enemies.   The truth has set in.   "Betrayal in the WH"!!!   Isaiah 54:17.
Who will rescue her?   She needs a knight – Someone in shining armor, riding on a white horse, Who truly LOVES HER , to put an end to the evil devices of the man of sin.   HIS NAME IS YESHUA.   JESUS!!!    She must cry out to Him while there is still time.   He is the One, the All-Powerful, Who   can intervene to rescue her from the threatening grip of her abusive betrayer!!!   And she cries out to Him, day and night, without ceasing: "Please come, please come! Hurry. I have made a mistake. And I need you now."   
America, it is Jesus Who loves you, Who has greatly blessed you and made you a great nation. But you chased one who spoke words to you without love, and who now is not only stealing your wealth, but has embarked on a course to open your borders to your enemies even while he cavorts with and appeases your detractors, as he plans your ultimate destruction. It is time to wake up to the danger, and to call on the One Who loves you and Who can rescue you from all the evil plans of your enemies, both foreign and domestic.  You must cry out to Him to intervene quickly, and He will come to thwart the hand of your abuser.  Hosea 14. And He will restore you   Cry, cry out to Him!

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