Tuesday, October 11, 2011



We have spent about 64 months in Africa on 2 separate trips, and have gone from Egypt to Nigeria, and from Ethiopia to Namibia.   We have seen very different parts from northern to western Africa, and from eastern to southern Africa.   We have seen a lot, and understand that the "story of Africa" is not being told sufficiently enough.   For most people, including the media, it is not on their 'radar screens'.   It is so sad.

We have been back since Sept. '07, fortunate enough to spend the last months of my mom's earthly sojourn with her into 2008.   But we are still on a 'mission', so to speak running to get help for the poor and needy in Africa, who are now our friends, whom we cannot forget and whom we must "not let down"!

Yet over 4 years have passed and we can hardly crack the thick wall of America's inward focus, selfishness, and greed (which ironically are some of the major reasons for its own problems!).   I also have a great burden for this country and want to see God move in this country once again.   We need REVIVAL.  God is ready, but people must begin to pray fervently continually, constantly, and "PRESS INTO" what God wants.   That also is not happening, and thus America continues to suffer, with its answers eluding her, though they are so attainable.   This is the "work" or "mission" which we have.   People must wake up; the status quo is not getting it done, and people can no longer ignore or turn a blind eye to the problems.   The times are serious.

Sadly, though, we have learned (from experience) not to tell church leaders that we are missionaries.   There's almost an instant "pullback" from us.   We may then get either the "quiet treatment", or just "lip service" from then on out.   It's sad, but it is also indicative of the state of current leadership in the church.   The American church is our other, and 3rd burden.

Remarkable things happened to us in Africa, but here people pretty much keep us and the needs of Africa at arms' length.   I realize that I am just giving you a rough sketch, leaving out the many details which would be the "mortar" to "cement" all these different "bricks" together.   It is said that less than 10% of American christian adults even have a "biblical worldview", etc.....   Thus, we avoid identifying ourselves as missionaries, preferring people to deal with us as "brothers and sisters".    And we continue to search for people who share God's vision (as clear as can be in the Bible) to help the less fortunate, with whom we can share our burden and maybe even be able to work with.   i was so blessed the other day, for example, when i met a couple (in a surprising venue) who actually was interested in hearing about Africa.   However, in over 4 years, we have found but a few who share the vision to help Africa.   Too many hide behind excuses.   How sad that the Wall St. protesters will take advantage of America's economic woes and use it as an "excuse" for destroying America, but NOT as a reason TO REACH OUT TO THE POOR IN AFRICA WHO ARE SUFFERING MUCH MORE!   Thus, people in America continue to suffer, and the poor and needy in Africa continue to suffer.  It is to "rent one's clothes" over, but that is the situation.

Thus, work we have plenty of.   And those in a position to allow us to do that work have by and large not opened the door to let us.   How do we explain that to those in Africa who can communicate with us their dire situation?  We are just 2 simple people who have come running for help.   But then God said, "No prophet is without honor, except in his own country."    And having seen how people react to us in Africa, we can attest to that.

This is the Lord's VISION HE is showing me for Africa (on today, Martin Luther King day, 1/16/2012): HELPING HANDS MINISTRY - an orphanage, a shelter (in Africa or USA) for rescuing teenage girls from sexual exploitation, a feeding center for the homeless, and a sports ministry. These all fit in with KEEN INTERESTS of mine, and the need for such a ministry can be found in the pages of our blogger.   We are willing to be "tent makers" while we focus on our work.    It is my wish that the poor and needy in Africa need not suffer and languish in sickness, poverty, and abuse while waiting for the Christians in America to help.  

This is to help you to understand, and is not meant to imply anything personally.   Correction may be needed in certain areas, but God is bountiful in MERCY, and so the emphasis should be constructive.   A "team" corrects its errors and focuses on becoming ever better.  Sport teams understand this concept, and we must also.   A team must pull together.

Paul Leonard 

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