Sunday, September 23, 2012


September 9, 2012
Today is Sunday.  The “left”  just finished their national convention in Charlotte, North Carolina this past week.  It was phenomenal for what it revealed, and how it showed their true agenda.  I will try to focus on how it ties to the “last days” and biblical prophecy.   My question and concern is how many people caught it?   How many pastors even caught it and are teaching on it today, opening peoples' eyes??  Is there even one?

Just 2 days ago, on September 7th,  the Orlando Sentinel ominously headlined: “Obama: Fixes take time”.   And “He Seeks 4 More Years To Complete His Goals”.   Slick.   Yes, the “fix” is in, as he tries to complete “his goals”!    People hear words like “goals” and they immediately assign THEIR MEANING to the word without realizing that their “goals” might not be the same as “his goals”.   What are his “goals”?   Would they not be related to “his dreams”?   What are “his dreams”.   Would those  not be related to his “dad's dreams” since he wrote the book “Dreams from my father”!   Note that he said dreams FROM, and not dreams of!!!   That single preposition makes a big difference.   BO's dad was an alcoholic, anti-colonial communist muslim who left his family and had children by other wives.  Thus, from BO's own book we see “his goals”.   The movie “2016” by Dinesh d'Souza and the book , “The Great Destroyer” by David Limbaugh also do great jobs of explaining BO's true motives and intentions against America.   Are these the aspirations that a president of the United States should embrace?   BO was  mentored by the communist Frank Marshall Davis as a youth in Hawaii.   Reference the book, “The Communist”.  BO by his own admission then sought out marxist professors when he got to college.   After college he then sat in an anti-American, “racist” congregation for 20 years, whose leader was friends with Louis Farrakhan – the virulent anti-American muslim in America!   BO has never disavowed himself of any socialist or communist group which supports him.   In fact, the “demoncrats” support the Wall St. protesters, filled with radical individuals.   It is all one continual pattern which BO has never broken with.   It is this pattern which clearly shows “his goals”.   In fact, by his own words, BO said that he tried “his plan” and it works!   In other words, 43 straight months of unemployment in excess of 8% is part of his plan.   So also was the failed “stimulus” program, the investment of American tax dollars in the now-bankrupt Solyndra, the moratorium on Gulf-oil drilling, the lawsuits against states which try to enforce immigration laws, defend American citizens from criminals, and who try to eliminate voter fraud!!   In other words, his “plan” was to have TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICITS ONE AFTER ANOTHER, INCREASING THE NATIONAL DEBT BY OVER $5 TRILLION DOLLARS IN JUST HIS FIRST TERM, AND TO SEE AMERICA'S RATING FALL TO AA FROM AAA, AND TO SEE POVERTY RISE TO ITS HIGHEST LEVEL IN AMERICA IN 46 YEARS, AS MILLIONS MORE OF AMERICANS END UP ON FOOD STAMPS!!!    In other words, it was his “plan” to see gas prices rise to over $3/gallon and to see food prices rise – 2 factors which greatly affect the poor (which the “left” purport to help!) much more than the rich!!  Indeed, according to his energy “plan”, BO even admitted that utility rates would “necessarily skyrocket”!!   So “his plan” works BO says!  BEWARE!!!   The “dreams” FROM his dad TO BO have NOTHING TO DO  WITH YOUR DREAM, NOR WITH THE AMERICAN DREAM!

BO has had several “coming out” moments – moments in which he seems to be not able to keep himself from speaking what is really in his heart.  Often he must stick glued to his teleprompters to control his speech, or the speech that someone else has written for him.   His delivery will even indicate his true intentions.  It is very interesting how he will switch accents even.   When he switches to a Caucasian accent and begins to stutter a lot, then beware because he is intentionally trying to control his message and to hide his true thoughts from the audience.  And when he switches to his other accent and cocks his head and speaks out of the corner of his mouth, then he is most likely being surprisingly candid and revealing.   His May 19th, 2011 “ '67 borders” speech was his “coming out” betrayal - of -Israel speech.   His Professor Gates, “I don't have all the facts” comment was his “coming out” anti-law enforcement moment.   His Hispanic “punish our enemies” speech was his anti-American moment.   And his “If you have a business, you didn't build it” speech was his anti-American free enterprise system moment!!!  He is clearly against what America has traditionally stood for.

Does this sound like a man trying to unite the country, working without playing to ethnic groups, for the common good of all citizens in America??!!   And indeed in 2010 the Lord warned that “they”  -
1.would try to stage increasingly fierce street protests (which happened with the Wall St. protesters;
2.     want to “change the American monetary system”, and that
3.     “they want to kill us”. 

We can clearly see that “they” have advanced significantly in their first 2 goals which the Lord warned about !!!   Given the fact that those who love America would never embrace such an evil agenda, those who do must conceal their intentions from the American people.  They must act like they are trying to do what they know is right even as they sabotage the best interests of America.   This the Lord also revealed.   So what do we see happening in America?  A man apparently associated with the “Occupy” movement was even arrested outside the RNC in Tampa recently with a machete.  And , insidiously, collapsing the American economy is the perverse tactic of those who are anti-American on an anti-colonial binge who want to destroy America and implement their own monetary system.  Note how this fits in with movement towards a “one world currency” and the evil “end time” government of the antichrist.  Note the visits of the very rich George Soros to the White House and his specialty in collapsing currencies!!!   This is the man who indicates that America is the problem and who favors the decline of the American dollar!   This is the man who funds a number of leftist organizations. Now, as the Orlando Sentinel states, he wants 4 more years in which to “COMPLETE HIS GOALS”.

Thus, we see what has clearly taken place during the BO administration, and we hear his words, that “his plan” is working!  This alone should be enough for most Americans, who are not afflicted with bias, to declare that they have had enough of BO's disastrous “plans”.    But the problem is much bigger, involves more people, and is much more sinister!!!   And the DNC last week clearly revealed it in 2 major incidents. 

The “demoncratic” platform, that official document which explains what “they” stand for, that official document meticulously drafted, the official document which indicates in which direction “they” wish to take America, omitted God!    When this became discovered and promulgated outside of the convention, becoming a public scandal, a quick amendment was sought to “cover up” their true “goals”!   The amendment was put on the floor and a voice vote was called.   Surprisingly, and revealingly, it was indecisive.   A 2nd vote was called for.   Shockingly and very REVEALINGLY, it was clear that they were voting against putting God in their official platform document.   Like Pontius Pilate, another vote was called for and the delegates on the floor were given another chance to cast their voice approval for God, YET ONCE AGAIN THEY EMPHATICALLY VOTED WITH THEIR VOICES, TURNING THEIR BACKS THEIR BACKS ON THE GOD WHOM THIS NATION IS UNDER AND WHICH OUR MOTTO PROCLAIMS!!!    Couple this with the DNC's support of baby killing and sodomy, and THIS IS CLEARLY AN ELECTION, NOT BETWEEN ONE PERSON AND ANOTHER, BUT BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL.

Now, the question is – did your minister today teach today from the pulpit on this ungodly agenda coming out of the DNC, and did they sound the alarm?  If not, why not?  Are they not supposed to watch over the “flock” and guide them?

And there was another incident – one which hinted of the “last days” and biblical prophecy.   I think it was years ago – in 2009 or earlier – when the Lord warned me that  BO had the potential to help “open the door to help usher in the time of the antichrist”. And ominously, there it was.   How many Christians caught it?   How many ministers?  That is the problem.   If those who embrace Christianity caught it, then the election is over.   But here is the irony.   A Catholic nun was involved!   After BO's “coming out” moment with his unconstitutional mandate against the Catholic church, one would think that a Catholic nun would be one of the last people to come out to support the evil agenda of the DNC.   What kind of blindness or evil is this??

For those of you who are aware of and who have studied the end-time details given in “The Revelation” in the Bible, notice what transpired and take note.   A person representing a religious institution came out to publicly urge people to support a demonic platform and a man who is allied with a demonic force to destroy America's power according to what the Lord has shown me!!!    Hello?!!   This was the use of a religious status to support that which is evil!  

And she used false doctrine to do this!  She said that “we are our sister's keeper”, implying that it is biblical doctrine to support government redistribution programs (and thus eventual massive, inefficient, fraudulent, corrupt government bureaucracies, which is what traditionally happens) and governmental control of peoples' lives!   Very slick and very wrong!   The Bible never says that is government's responsibility to help the poor !   IT IS AN INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY !!!   Your government is not going to stand in for you before God!!!   THIS  IS  MAJOR  FALSE  DOCTRINE,  AND  A  MAJOR  TRAP!!!   How many people fell for it?   How many people could see how the “end time” stage is being set?    How many ministers today warned the Lord's flock not to fall for it!

How sad it is to see the Church abdicate its biblical responsibility to “remember the poor” to an evil governmental institution.    It was government that declared a “war on poverty” during the Lyndon Baines Johnson administration, and now poverty stands at the highest it has been in 46 years!   The results speak for themselves.

People must be warned that an end time agenda is being unfurled upon America in the form of a person representing a religious institution using false doctrine to get people to support an overall platform which is clearly evil at its core!!!   UNDERSTAND  ITS  IMPLICATIONS.  This ploy has already been used with great success by the democrats on the African-American population.   For years now they have used people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to lend their “religious” weight to deliver the AA vote (and sell out their own people!) in exchange for power.   And many AA's have sadly bitten the “bait”, selling their souls for welfare checks, food stamps, Sec. 8 housing, subsidized day care, free cell phones, and “Obama stash”!  America is now reaping the horrific “fruit” of that platform policy – just note the horrendous statistics in AA communities.   So ironically, Africans in Africa are coming to Jesus even as AA's here are going the opposite way!!!

NOTE:  Most of the above was written on September 9th.    – 2 DAYS BEFORE  THE ANNIVERSARY OF 9/11.  What timing.  Little did I see that just days from its writing that the prime minister of Israel would request to meet with Mr. Obama and that the White House would decline that request!!   As I mentioned, BO is betraying Israel, and is turning his back on them!!  Note the significance of his actions for America in Genesis 12:3 –
“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”

It is super important that we “bless” Israel!   Our own well-being depends on it! 

And please note this key connection – the demoncrats who apparently did not want God in their platform are also turning their back on Israel!!!   This is all part of a single agenda that does not bode well for America, nor for Israel!   It is a very ungodly agenda.

And what are the results?   We now have 20 nations rising up against America, attacking our embassies!   4 Americans have been killed in Libya, including the American ambassador!   Note the ungodly agenda of the democrats.   Note Genesis 12:3, its promise and its warning.   And note how the BO administration has turned its back on Israel.   And note the disastrous results which have rapidly followed!!!   WAKE UP AMERICA!   GOD IS SERIOUS.   AND AMERICA  BETTER  GET  SERIOUS!   American patriots must stand up for Israel.   The outcome of this election and the future of America will be greatly influenced by the stance we take right now!

This is the “last straw”.   We have American blood running, muslims attacking our embassies, and an American president gutting our economy and military, even as he allows our soldiers to now commit sodomy and beastiality!!   On news clips as I see BO talking about the recent tragedies I noticed he does not even mention the perpetrators as being muslim.   After his pro-islam speech in Cairo (another “coming out” moment demonstrating his islamic agenda), does he still attempt to hide the truth?!   Remember that it was Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham, that the muslim brotherhood have infiltrated the U.S. Government, with the “complicity” of the BO administration!!  BO has basically allowed America's enemy to be inside our government!   He favored the overthrow of the government in Libya which had been neutralized, and now 4 Americans have been killed, and he supported the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and look at what what is happening there!

Over and over again we see the results of the “left's” ungodly, anti-Semitic, anti-American agenda!   We must stand up, speak up, and vote them out of office.   And America must seek God.    Our economy is being destroyed, our military is being undermined, Americans are dying, and our embassies are being attacked.   We must restore America for we are “ONE  NATION  UNDER  GOD”.    He is our fortress.  He will help us.   We have Hosea 14.   Read it.  Pray it.   Claim it.  Spread it!   We now have the IRS threatening pastors not to speak out from the pulpit about this election.  The government is threatening the church!   What will your minister do?  Whatever they do, the IRS cannot stop you from “shouting from the rooftops” the truth of God's Word, and that the future of America depends on this country turning to God, standing with Israel, and away from the ungodly agenda and disastrous results of the “left”!  

Today is Sunday, September 16th, 2012, and the front page of today's Sunday paper here thought it appropriate not to mention at all about Americans being killed in Libya, nor about American embassies being attacked.   Apparently they don't care about these tragedies and informing the public on the issues behind them, much less about the critical times in which we live.   It is my hope that you will care.   Warning – you will be attacked and attacked, even with obscenities.   But understand that this reveals the true nature of those who oppose you, as well as demonstrates the real importance to standing up for truth, for God, for America – for otherwise the devil would not react so vehemently!   Be strong and of good courage”  - Joshua 1:6 – for we must “cross this river” to get out of the “wilderness”.  

It is not a time to be passive.  It is a time to lead!


Why BO must be removed from office

August 27, 2012


Since yesterday we have been getting rain.   Even though tropical storm Isaac is far to our southwest, we are getting hit by the outer rain bands, which, as they swirl counter-clockwise around the center, are actually bringing wind gusts and rain from the east.   It is real soupy outside, and it is also a relief from the "jungle-like" summer conditions.

Another feature of this part of Florida is Spanish moss which hangs from trees.   It is used in the floral industry to keep in moisture.   They say it is not parasitic, but by covering the tree more and more, including its leaves, it can hinder photosynthesis and weigh on the branches.

Saw the movie "2016" last week.   Excellent movie - highly recommended for people to see to understand where BO is coming from, his anti-colonial stance, his motives, and the "trick" he learned to get "white" people to support him.   Finally, someone figures out the CLUE given by the PREPOSITION ironically used in the title from BO's book - "from".   He used the preposition "from", instead of "of".   The movie also finally hits or connects the critical "foreign" dots.   Because so many Americans do not understand the rest of the world, how they think, how things are done, they cannot "see" what is happening right under their noses.   That "foreign" perspective is so essential to understanding.   No wonder so many foreigners in America - who carry that "perspective" with them -  see things here so much clearer than even many Americans!   Excelllent movie.   Makes things super clear.

BO campaigned on change in 2008.   Thought I would list some of those "changes" - changes which present a formidable explanation for why he must be removed from office!!!

1. TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICITS FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER IN AMERICAN HISTORY ONE AFTER ANOTHER.    This is after BO said he would cut the deficit in half his first term.   BY his own words he has let down the American public.

2.  The USA's rating has been downgraded from AAA to AA for the 1st time ever!  Yet we see no urgency neither from BO, nor from the democrats in Congress who won't even give us a budget for years!   This is extreme fiscal irresponsibility.

3.  NATIONAL DEBT SOARS OVER $15 TRILLION DOLLARS!     No other president has ever amassed over $5 trillion dollars of extra debt in just his first term!!!   To understand the size of the burden BO is giving the American people to repay, if someone would spend a MILLION DOLLARS A DAY since JESUS WAS BORN to today, it still would NOT AMOUNT TO A TRILLION DOLLARS SPENT!!!    This is how much BO is spending over and above the tax money the U.S. government receives!

4.  African-American unemployment in America reached 16.7% in August of 2011 - the highest since 1984. 


6. Food stamp usage rises from 28.2 million to 46.2 million.   This, along with the extended unemployment compensation benefits, demonstrate the failure of BO's economic policies.   Note also how quickly BO's original economic "team" are no longer even working in that capacity, which speaks for itself.

7. BO and his team lied about the summer of 2010 being the "summer of recovery"!!!   The above clearly indicate that it was not.

8. Unemployment has risen under BO to over 8% and has stayed there!   His 2008 election "slush fund payback" was disguised as "stimulus" package.  BO later admitted that there were no "shovel-ready" jobs.

9. Gas prices have risen to over $3/gallon.

10. There has been no congressional budget from the democrats for years.   BO's own budget proposals have even been voted down unanimously by democrats.

11. BO administration has attacked American states for trying to enforce immigration law and to prevent voter fraud in the election.   The BO administration has openly violated the Constitution with its mandate against the Catholic church, and existing law by refusing to abide by DOMA and immigration law.12.  The BO administration has been secretly engaged in sabotaging America:

12.  The BO administration is secretly engaged in sabotaging America:
      a. National security leaks.
       b. Tries to control resources by trying to impose moratorium on Gulf oil drilling and by blocking the Keystone pipeline - even while BO hands over taxpayer $ to other countries to develop their oil resources!
       c. Hostile to businesses - burdens them with regulations while telling them that they did not "build" their businesses!
       d. Gives taxpayer $ to Solyndra to the tune of $535 million for political reasons - green energy agenda.   The company went bankrupt.
       e.  Outsources NASA to Russia, while directing NASA director to reach out to muslim world to make them feel good.
       f.  Maintains "open borders" policy allowing the flow of weapons, criminals, drugs, and terrorists into America.  For example, a  Coast guard agent had to release 2 smugglers the Coast Guard had captured.
       g. BO administration sold guns in "Fast and Furious" operation to Mexican drug cartels.   As a result, an American agent, defending America, was subsequently killed.   This administration has real blood on its hands, but BO is asserting "executive privilege" to block the release of documents in the investigation. 
       h.  The muslim brotherhood has infiltrated the U.S. government with the complicity of the BO administration according to Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham.  
       i.  BO administration plans to reduce America's nuclear arsenal in the face of a dangerous world.   An open microphone also revealed BO's "secret message" to Russia that he can be more "flexible" after the election.   These last 2 items clearly indicate BO's intention to betray the best interests of America on the world stage, even allowing America's enemies to infiltrate the U.S. government.

13.  BO supports a homosexual agenda, EVEN SUPPORTING HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE.  Bundler of BO is even a kingpin of homosexual porn, and was appointed to BO's national finance committee!!  BY his agenda, BO is dragging the USA THOUSANDS OF YEARS BACKWARDS TO THE TIME OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH.

14. SUPPORTS THE TARGETING OF GIRLS IN ABORTION PROCEDURES.   Remarkable blindness for any woman to support this flagrant gender-based act of murder!!!

15. Democrats support the Wall St. protesters - a radical group which includes radical elements.   Even one such person was arrested outside the republican convention with a machete!   For a political party to support such a radical and violent group is a clear indication of the true agenda of that political party.   It is a particular problem that BO will not disassociate himself with unsavory groups which support him.   This also indicates who he really is since "birds of a feather" hang together!!!

16.  Member of a radical terrorist group is given a visa to visit the White House.  Janet Napolitano, of the Department of Homeland Security, says we can expect more of the same.   These are the people protecting America?!!

17.  Egyptian Foreign minister disclosed that BO revealed to him that he is a muslim.   BO's pro-islam stance clearly supports this.   His own dad was a muslim.

18.  BO set up the betrayal of Israel with his May 19th, 2011 " '67 borders" speech.   This should actually be the #1 issue in 2012 for the Tea Party according to the LORD.  



The severity and the scope of these "changes" on moral, economic, and national security levels clearly indicate that BO is leading America to a depraved, disasterous ruin, and that AMERICA NEEDS TO CHANGE FROM THE DIRECTION BO HAS EMBARKED UPON.

Indeed, this election in 2012 is about America.   The difference this year is between those who love America, and those (as exemplified by the democrat-supported Wall St. protesters and BO's own minister for 20 years) who hate America and who wish to hasten its destruction for their own purposes.

Whose side are you on?!!

The Lord began to warn me of BO back in 2005.   People should have listened.   Will America listen in 2012?



August 18th, 2012

Hope all are well in the care of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.   All my love and deepest wishes for your well-being go out with this, understanding that the Lord Who watches out for you will also provide for your every need through Christ Jesus.

Sorry have been so busy for weeks now since updating people about the serious problems we have encountered here, which was sent out in July -  "Sign of the Times".

We don't have internet service and have not been to the library for a while.   I slept so long last night, being so exhausted, and still feel tired this morning.

Wonderful things have happened, which I will explain.  To God be the glory.   You will understand when i tell you.  But first - some "housekeeping".   Ever notice how people fail to tell you the most distinguishing  and notable aspects that set a place or something apart from the rest?   And you get there and ask, "How come no one ever told me?"   Well, I don't want to do that.   Since coming to Florida in March of this year, this is what has struck me.   First, they have palm trees here!  But also other different plants.   Ever hear of the "palmetto", "Shalom philodendron", "podocarpus"?   Not quite tropical enough here though apparently because I don't see many banana trees, papaya, and pineapple growing.   Nurseries here are very big on orchids.   There are quite a few of them, but looks like some have taken a hard hit by the economy.   Even with the great weather, have been shocked by how many people do not even keep up their yards and property, and have nice gardens, etc...   To me it looks like people up north do a better job with less favorable weather.   In this area there are a lot of "red-necks", "bikers", and women who smoke and have tattoos.    It is almost a waste of time to give a weather report during summer here unless there is a hurricane or something.   Day in and day out it is almost the same with daytime temps of 91,92, or 93 with possible rain.   Typically what happens is that the day starts out sunny and warms up.  Then later, as the sea breezes move inland and probably collide with the warm air, thunderstorms ignite which can hit one area and skip another nearby.   Have not seen any public swimming pools surprisingly, but people who can afford it have their own pool in the back yard.   People also put up huge screened-in areas in their back yard - problaby to keep insects out (they also have flying roaches here), and the litter out of the pools.

Without going into all the details, our move to Florida has been very enlightening, perilous, and challenging.  First we tried working with a fairly well-known ministry, but ended up in the house of a sexual predator who was also a "counselor" for that ministry whom the leaders there supported.   When we found out and tried to move, they put our stuff outside.   We almost spent the night outside, but ended up on another church property.   There the people suddenly flipped on us after we had helped to clean up their property and rental units.   The husband would scream at us, and even visited us in his van at around 2:30 in the morning in an attempt to get us to leave.   We had been working for them without being paid, and according to my calculation we were still owed about $1200 towards future rent in July and August.  They tried to take legal action against us.   With no other job other than trying to raise funds for Africa, little money, I was gearing up to sleeping outside, and indeed we did one night seeing as to how dangerous the landlord was acting.

This all happened so that people may see that the Word of the Lord is true, though people may have a hard time dealing with it.   He said that, "People treat their animals better than the church treats its missionaries!"   How absolutely true.  Think about it.    We would not have had to go through these situations if it were not.  Long ago the "institutional church" abdicated its responsibilities.   The missions, Africa, the poor, etc., are far from their collective consciousness.   And as i witnessed in the homeless environment, the "wolves" are quick to move in to exploit the situation when the "lambs" are left to fend for themselves.   The government was never meant to care for the poor.   They do a horrible job.   It is the church's responsibility.   AS a side note:  Washington D.C. is littered with homeless all over, sleeping on the cold concrete just blocks from the White House - something a lot of people don't tell you!   So don't people listen to  any Democrat "dressed in sheep's clothing" talking about their concern for the poor as they  drive by the homeless of D.C. in their limousines!   Don't listen to BO as he drives by them in his motorcade, and lets them sleep outside his plush surroundings without even so much as a cup of coffee to warm the cold nights!!!

Thus, this has happened that people may have concrete evidence.

Facing all these challenges, one day I am waiting outside for the library to open, and a Korean lady comes up whom i don't know.   We begin talking.   She asks if i can do some work around her house and drives me to her house to show me.   We go back to the library, and one thing leads to another.   That same day she helps the both of us to get haircuts, and takes us to a party where we meet her husband and daughter who has the same nickname as my mother - VIRGIE!   The first time i ever met another VIRGIE!   This Korean lady then later took us to an Hispanic family who was renting a trailer to set up an arrangement whereby we could rent one of the rooms there.   The room needed some fixing, but she helped us to buy some paint and even a carpet remnant so that I could paint the room and take out the old carpet and fix up the floor.   Because we did not have room for our belongings, she allowed us to clean up a corner of one of her brother's greenhouses (i think without telling him!) to store our stuff for free.   She even allowed Evelyn to use her van so that we could move our stuff, including to "storage"!   This was someone I had just met!  In a short period of time she did more than any church "leader" to their shame.   And what is the "kicker"?   She is a foreigner!!!   So are the people we moved in with!!   "WHERE ARE THE AMERICANS?"   Funny I should ask that, because that is basically what the people in Africa are also asking!!!  And I will add, "Where are the church "leaders"?   Ever notice something?, that when the "light" is turned on, the "rats" all run for cover to hide??!  Just saying that, they do.   Try it.   And ever notice how the Lord will use an earthly example to teach a spiritual truth?   So often church "leaders" "take a step back from us" when they find out we are missionaries.   We are the visible expression of their responsibility.

Things have not changed much.   Remember that the prophet Elijah was sent to a widow in Zarephath.  There he received help!   Why Zarephath?!?   As Jesus explained in Luke 4:24-26, a prophet is not accepted in his own country.   Were there not many widows in Israel, and yet God sent Elijah to Sidon!  To a widow who was going to die!   Over and over again, I have seen that it is those with the least who have the most compassion.   The size of one's wallet often does not indicate the size of one's heart.

Thus, with Henny's help (the Korean lady), we were able to move and put our things into storage.  It was a lot of work, cleaning, paiinting, moving, etc..  At about the same time the Lord found me a job at the Country Club of Orlando - a 101 year old private club outside Orlando with a golf course, swimming pool, and tennis courts.  The interview went great, even though I had not operated some of their machines.   So on August 7th I began working in their grounds department.   On August 8th we had a court hearing.   An attorney decided to take our case for free after the "church landlords" filed against us.   And we won!!!

So much happened so fast, and I am exhausted to the point that the wind knocks me off balance.   And I know this is all the Lord's hand.   He did it.   These kind of things just don't happen.   The situation was so difficult, and multiple doors opened up one after another.   This Korean lady whom we did not even know has been so helpful, completely refuting all the myriad of excuses people typically give for not getting involved.

So ironically, she is the picture of what the church is supposed to look like.

Pleased to finally be able to update people on what has transpired and how God so marvellously intervened.   For me, this is God's powerful hand.  To God be the glory.   I wish i could share this with a lot of people, but God has shown me how a lot of people would not be pleased.   Because it is "me" to whom this has happened, there are those who will not share in the joy and the happiness He has shown me.   Simply put, they will neither be happy, nor impressed with what has happened because it has happened to "me".   Sad, but again, this is reality, this is a "sign of the times".   Thus they still will not be motivated to support us in our mission to reach out the poor and the needy in Africa with God's love!   Our friend from Kenya - Rosemary - just called.   She wants so much to see us.  I'll have to write her to explain that we cannot now because the church here is not supporting us.   And after these last 2 episodes in just a period of months, a church "leader" here is just about the last person i sadly want to talk to.   After 3 moves in 5 months I feel that AMERICA REALLY NEEDS REVIVAL.

Please continue to pray.   There is still much work to do.   And don't forget to give THANKS TO GOD FOR THE MIGHTY THINGS HE HAS DONE!!!   God bless.

All our love to you,