Sunday, September 23, 2012

Why BO must be removed from office

August 27, 2012


Since yesterday we have been getting rain.   Even though tropical storm Isaac is far to our southwest, we are getting hit by the outer rain bands, which, as they swirl counter-clockwise around the center, are actually bringing wind gusts and rain from the east.   It is real soupy outside, and it is also a relief from the "jungle-like" summer conditions.

Another feature of this part of Florida is Spanish moss which hangs from trees.   It is used in the floral industry to keep in moisture.   They say it is not parasitic, but by covering the tree more and more, including its leaves, it can hinder photosynthesis and weigh on the branches.

Saw the movie "2016" last week.   Excellent movie - highly recommended for people to see to understand where BO is coming from, his anti-colonial stance, his motives, and the "trick" he learned to get "white" people to support him.   Finally, someone figures out the CLUE given by the PREPOSITION ironically used in the title from BO's book - "from".   He used the preposition "from", instead of "of".   The movie also finally hits or connects the critical "foreign" dots.   Because so many Americans do not understand the rest of the world, how they think, how things are done, they cannot "see" what is happening right under their noses.   That "foreign" perspective is so essential to understanding.   No wonder so many foreigners in America - who carry that "perspective" with them -  see things here so much clearer than even many Americans!   Excelllent movie.   Makes things super clear.

BO campaigned on change in 2008.   Thought I would list some of those "changes" - changes which present a formidable explanation for why he must be removed from office!!!

1. TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICITS FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER IN AMERICAN HISTORY ONE AFTER ANOTHER.    This is after BO said he would cut the deficit in half his first term.   BY his own words he has let down the American public.

2.  The USA's rating has been downgraded from AAA to AA for the 1st time ever!  Yet we see no urgency neither from BO, nor from the democrats in Congress who won't even give us a budget for years!   This is extreme fiscal irresponsibility.

3.  NATIONAL DEBT SOARS OVER $15 TRILLION DOLLARS!     No other president has ever amassed over $5 trillion dollars of extra debt in just his first term!!!   To understand the size of the burden BO is giving the American people to repay, if someone would spend a MILLION DOLLARS A DAY since JESUS WAS BORN to today, it still would NOT AMOUNT TO A TRILLION DOLLARS SPENT!!!    This is how much BO is spending over and above the tax money the U.S. government receives!

4.  African-American unemployment in America reached 16.7% in August of 2011 - the highest since 1984. 


6. Food stamp usage rises from 28.2 million to 46.2 million.   This, along with the extended unemployment compensation benefits, demonstrate the failure of BO's economic policies.   Note also how quickly BO's original economic "team" are no longer even working in that capacity, which speaks for itself.

7. BO and his team lied about the summer of 2010 being the "summer of recovery"!!!   The above clearly indicate that it was not.

8. Unemployment has risen under BO to over 8% and has stayed there!   His 2008 election "slush fund payback" was disguised as "stimulus" package.  BO later admitted that there were no "shovel-ready" jobs.

9. Gas prices have risen to over $3/gallon.

10. There has been no congressional budget from the democrats for years.   BO's own budget proposals have even been voted down unanimously by democrats.

11. BO administration has attacked American states for trying to enforce immigration law and to prevent voter fraud in the election.   The BO administration has openly violated the Constitution with its mandate against the Catholic church, and existing law by refusing to abide by DOMA and immigration law.12.  The BO administration has been secretly engaged in sabotaging America:

12.  The BO administration is secretly engaged in sabotaging America:
      a. National security leaks.
       b. Tries to control resources by trying to impose moratorium on Gulf oil drilling and by blocking the Keystone pipeline - even while BO hands over taxpayer $ to other countries to develop their oil resources!
       c. Hostile to businesses - burdens them with regulations while telling them that they did not "build" their businesses!
       d. Gives taxpayer $ to Solyndra to the tune of $535 million for political reasons - green energy agenda.   The company went bankrupt.
       e.  Outsources NASA to Russia, while directing NASA director to reach out to muslim world to make them feel good.
       f.  Maintains "open borders" policy allowing the flow of weapons, criminals, drugs, and terrorists into America.  For example, a  Coast guard agent had to release 2 smugglers the Coast Guard had captured.
       g. BO administration sold guns in "Fast and Furious" operation to Mexican drug cartels.   As a result, an American agent, defending America, was subsequently killed.   This administration has real blood on its hands, but BO is asserting "executive privilege" to block the release of documents in the investigation. 
       h.  The muslim brotherhood has infiltrated the U.S. government with the complicity of the BO administration according to Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham.  
       i.  BO administration plans to reduce America's nuclear arsenal in the face of a dangerous world.   An open microphone also revealed BO's "secret message" to Russia that he can be more "flexible" after the election.   These last 2 items clearly indicate BO's intention to betray the best interests of America on the world stage, even allowing America's enemies to infiltrate the U.S. government.

13.  BO supports a homosexual agenda, EVEN SUPPORTING HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE.  Bundler of BO is even a kingpin of homosexual porn, and was appointed to BO's national finance committee!!  BY his agenda, BO is dragging the USA THOUSANDS OF YEARS BACKWARDS TO THE TIME OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH.

14. SUPPORTS THE TARGETING OF GIRLS IN ABORTION PROCEDURES.   Remarkable blindness for any woman to support this flagrant gender-based act of murder!!!

15. Democrats support the Wall St. protesters - a radical group which includes radical elements.   Even one such person was arrested outside the republican convention with a machete!   For a political party to support such a radical and violent group is a clear indication of the true agenda of that political party.   It is a particular problem that BO will not disassociate himself with unsavory groups which support him.   This also indicates who he really is since "birds of a feather" hang together!!!

16.  Member of a radical terrorist group is given a visa to visit the White House.  Janet Napolitano, of the Department of Homeland Security, says we can expect more of the same.   These are the people protecting America?!!

17.  Egyptian Foreign minister disclosed that BO revealed to him that he is a muslim.   BO's pro-islam stance clearly supports this.   His own dad was a muslim.

18.  BO set up the betrayal of Israel with his May 19th, 2011 " '67 borders" speech.   This should actually be the #1 issue in 2012 for the Tea Party according to the LORD.  



The severity and the scope of these "changes" on moral, economic, and national security levels clearly indicate that BO is leading America to a depraved, disasterous ruin, and that AMERICA NEEDS TO CHANGE FROM THE DIRECTION BO HAS EMBARKED UPON.

Indeed, this election in 2012 is about America.   The difference this year is between those who love America, and those (as exemplified by the democrat-supported Wall St. protesters and BO's own minister for 20 years) who hate America and who wish to hasten its destruction for their own purposes.

Whose side are you on?!!

The Lord began to warn me of BO back in 2005.   People should have listened.   Will America listen in 2012?


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