Sunday, December 07, 2014


“For the word of the Lord quick and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”    Hebrews 4:12.    

The Word of the Lord – QUICK AND POWERFUL, SHARPER….!!  Twoedged sword!! It cuts both ways!  “A discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”     The Lord puts His finger right on the heart of a matter. And if there is a gift that is keenly important it is that of DISCERNMENT! The Lord reveals what people’s true motives are.

In Revelation 3:19 the Lord says, “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten; be zealous therefore and repent.”  There is a reason and a purpose for His rebuke and chastening, and that is to get a person aligned with the will of God, while telling others what to watch out for and beware of.  For example, in II Timothy 3, the Bible warns of the character of people in the last days.  The Word gives a litany of descriptions, such as “COVETOUS, …PROUD,… DESPISERS OF THOSE THAT ARE GOOD,….TRAITORS,…HEADY, HIGHMINDED….”  These attributes describe the people of America to a “t”!  Wow, is God ever on target.  Then in verse 13, the Word of God says, “ But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”  “Evil men”!  Understand that – evil men!  “Worse and worse”!  Get the picture?    What are they doing?  “Deceiving”.   Get a clear picture of the modus operandi, their MO, of evil men in the “last days”.  Especially understand that Jesus was BETRAYED WITH A KISS!    Be careful with those with smiling faces who speak “feigned words”, giving you lip service, whose heart is not with you, and who hide their true “colors”, motives, and agenda.   Society is polluted with these people.   Read II Timothy 3 and other passages and be aware of the signs to look for.  BE AWARE and BEWARE!   DISCERNMENT is so key.   The Lord wants to help you to discern who is who People wear masks, masking what their real intentions are.  And people get hurt.

With this biblical description of men in the last days and of what their MO will be, I will share with you a powerful revelation from the Lord.  The Lord still speaks in parables, painting a picture to reveal and to teach.  He showed me alongside a creek or river-like body of water.  I laid down a box of cookies on the ground close to this water, and I looked up.  There in the shrubs I saw a homeless man living.  Meanwhile the water had flooded and the box of cookies got soaked.   Thus, I did NOT have much to share with this person except for some water-logged cookies which I offered to him in case he still wanted them.   I figured that at least the cardboard box would have kept the dirt out.   But, BEING SNEAKY (DECEITFUL), he used some information I had shared and given him and he went behind my back to contact a person I knew or worked for by phone.   He was up to something unbeknownst to me!  This person was perfectly WILLING TO USE THE FRIENDLINESS OF SOMEONE AGAINST HIM!    Does the Bible say anywhere that people are to enable the conniver?  A sign of the times today  is the sub-culture of people who will play on and take advantage of the compassion of others in order to support and/or advance their own personal, selfish, and even criminal agenda.

Then I found myself in a walled-off compound that obviously belonged to someone.   In an open area of the compound there were about 5 or so tents – homeless tents of different sorts depending on the handiwork of the person!   Now it was not one in an open outdoor area, but now there were various  inside someone else’s compound or property!   Note the progression.  Suddenly, “activists” showed up!  They wanted to intervene in the situation on behalf of the homeless.  One guy began to organize this activity.  He was excited about coordinating efforts to somehow help these people, and he could have been genuinely sincere in his motives.  But suddenly, someone else showed up.  He had probably heard the “news” of what was going on and of the effort to help.

This “new” guy was a different breed.  He was a “professional activist”, slick, versed in activism, a “cool operator”!  He basically relayed to the young person coordinating the relief effort that he was now “taking over”.   Stunned and demeaned, the well-meaning coordinator must have been totally embarrassed at being shoved aside.   What do you think he will do next time when presented with an opportunity to help?

This “slick operator” began to oversee a massive construction project, using laborers to form huge concrete blocks to begin to build his own massive wall next to the simpler wall of the owner.  Cleverly he was using the plight of others, the homeless in this case, and the labor of others to TAKE OVER SOMEONE ELSE’S PROPERTY AND WORK to build his own empire!

Seeing the need to make some readjustments, I began to make some changes.   Then suddenly, someone of a particular ethnicity screamed at me, “Stay out of our affairs!”   And my eyes were opened!  I had understanding, insight into situations as far back as my college days!    

Proverbs 3 says, “… and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.”   There is man’s ways, and then there are God’s ways!  The person with wisdom will pick God’s ways, for His ways are better.  But the stubborn, the proud, the arrogant, the headstrong (remember the description of people in these “last days”) will insist on “their” ways.  And every family, culture, ethnicity, etc., has their “own” way of doing things, and thinking.  The problem is when people no longer care about which is the right way, but - whether out of pride or an evil agenda-  insist on doing things their way.  And that is the essence of the statement “Stay out of our affairs.”  Though people will usually not come out directly to say it, they want to do things “their way”, and they don’t want anyone interfering!!   Understand, it is not about people sitting down to discuss what is the best way or the right way, but rather it is about those who do not care, AND who only want to do things “their way” for whatever reason.  And there can be no sincere discussion with someone who does not care!  They will distort, accuse falsely (note II Timothy 3), mislead, cover up, and manipulate to get “their own way”.   Their approach will even turn fiercer and angrier as resentment grows if they don’t get “their way”.  It looks like pouting and a temper tantrum disguised to hide their real intentions.  This is a real problem in the political realm, to the work place, to attempted international diplomacy with despots and tyrants.  A tyrant is a tyrant, wherever he or she may be found.

It is evident throughout society in people who do not seek God’s ways.  Thus, the Democratic National Convention literally booed God being included in their platform in 2012.  Think about it, what that says about the true intentions of democrats.  Remember, these people will resent anyone who gets in their way.  Thus Sarah Palin is insulted and called a “b” because her Godly patriotic views are going to get in the way of those who are neither.  Thus, Tim Tebow is ridiculed because some people did not want God in the picture. Then these same people hypocritically wave a finger at football players who abuse women.  Well, maybe if God was allowed in the picture, then maybe there wouldn’t be all the problems!

Thus, people with ulterior motives hurl insults and false accusations at those who say  we should close our borders to illegal invasion according to the law.  Who is trying to MANIPULATE the GOOD NATURE of AMERICANS  to EXPLOIT them under the guise of helping others?   Maybe what struggling countries need to do is adopt the same principles and GODLY VALUES that so greatly brought God’s blessings upon this land.   What sense is it to overrun America’s weak economy?   That’s it.   It makes perfect sense to the ungodly anti-Americans  (wow, again in that democrat party) who wish to employ the CLOWARD-PIVEN STRATEGY to overwhelm the economy so as to collapse it.  Remember, it was Rahm, Obama’s right hand man and now mayor of Chicago, who stated this axiom that they “should never let a ‘crisis’ go to waste”!!    In other words, they are willing to use any ‘crisis’ – real or fabricated- for their OWN AGENDA!!!    Just as the Lord revealed that this “slick professional activist” would do!!!   It’s all about helping themselves, not others.   Just look at  bankrupt Detroit and the south side of Chicago for evidence.  Citizens in Chicago practically had a mini revolt at an Al Sharpton meeting last year because of the deplorable results of the Obama-Rahm “machine”.  Maybe one day these people will wake up and realize that they are only being used.   I remember how one of the founders of a greening organization remarked how he basically had to leave when his organization was taken over by those with a radical agenda. The greening organization gave these “slick activists” the cover they wanted to hide and to push their radical agenda.

Thus,  insults are hurled at those who defend the sacred rights of babies, as well as the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman, by those who try to disguise their immoral, hedonistic, barbaric, murdering agenda as “rights”!!!  Thus, Planned “Murder”hood builds their empire on the bodies of dead, slaughtered babies with the support of that democrat party again!   Hmmm, no wonder they don’t want God in their platform!  NEWS FLASH!  This is “ONE NATION UNDER GOD”!  Even their names are deceitful.  How can those who want to take someone else’s life, money, property, and freedoms be called a “liberal”?!  Call it thievery, tyranny, exploitation, murder, but NOT “liberal”!!!  And how can those who want to take us back to the days of Sodom and Gomorrah be called “progressive”?  Since when is backwards forwards?!!

Thus, there are those in the African American community who do not recognize the BROTHERHOOD OF MAN, who call others “racists” to hide their own bigotry and resentment of anyone who gets in the way of their immoral and corrupt agenda.   Don’t dare bring up their lewd behavior, vulgar speech, filthy music, indecent dress, laziness, crime, violence, abuse of women, and gang dealing.   And where in the Bible does it say that God created “races”?  God created man and woman!  And the Bible does not say what shade they were, nor what gene mix they were. The brotherhood of man is thus firmly established in the fact that everyone can be traced back to the same parents!  So, who is it that divides us?  And for what agenda or purpose?  Who really is trying to hide their jealousy of and hatred for others by manipulating public sentiment with accusations of “racism” towards anyone that gets in “their way”.

While in college I admired the lifestyle of the AA students and I decided to join them in one of their parties they were holding in a hall on campus.  People began to stare at me and treat me awkward.  I truly was not welcome, and sheepishly I left. Now, I understand the message and why.  It was “Stay out of our affairs!”  Keith Richburg wrote about this ironic prejudice in his book, “Out of America”.  And I ran into the same thing while working in our capital, Washington, D.C., when an AA friend of mine one day confided that “the brothers get upset if they see him speaking too long to a ‘white’ person”.

Thus, AA students are beat up by AA students for “acting white”!  What is “acting white”?   It is trying to be a good student!   Their hatred must be so great that they actually prefer “their way” of not getting good grades and beating up those AA’s who do want to get good grades!   Thus, while “activists” want more school programs, etc., a teacher at Julian High School in Chicago revealed recently that male students there have pretty much already “clocked out” of the system, stating that they are basically waiting to either get drafted by a sports team, join the army, or get a GED!  Even Africans in America have revealed that African Americans resent them because they basically try to apply themselves and do not act according to the same folly as so many in the AA community.  And  refugees from Sudan here wanted to leave America partly because the AA’s “wanted to fight them”!!   In Africa, this type of behavior is clearly exemplified by anti-development “tribalism”.   The lack of unity and love in Africa is very detrimental to its development.

As missionaries, it was hard for us to get access to the inner workings and nuances and secrets of the Ethiopian culture because we were basically outsiders.  It is the same thing, “stay out of our affairs.”   As one Ethiopian explained to me, “You can come into the living room, but not into the kitchen or the bedroom.”  They will only let you in so far into their culture.  Even here this self-imposed “code of silence” within the African American community (note Star Parker’s book, “Pimps, Whores, and Welfare Brats”)works to hide and cover up who they really are, their agendas, and their goals so that they may continue undetected, escaping possible exposure/correction, hiding behind excuses and accusations to explain their unseemly and even criminal behavior.  

It was a lethal dose of government pressure mixed with the harassment and threats of lawsuits by “professional activists” , such as Mr. Obama, which pressured banks into the murky waters of subprime mortgages, which came crashing down as a “house of cards” in 2008 and is still affecting this country in 2014.   Talk about harmful effects!!    Disguised greed, impure motives, came very, very close to destroying this country.    Beware of the tactics of these “slick professional activists”.  And look who is in the White House now!

This type of “activism” with impure, selfish, hidden motives is by no means limited to just what is happening in America.  For years muslims have been killing muslims in country after country.  Who says anything?   Who points this out?  Who talks about the human rights abuses committed by muslims?   Now there is fighting among muslims in Syria and 10’s of thousands of people have been killed.  See any protests?   But because a sliver of a country, Israel, kills 316 people in 12 days as it defends itself against the rocket attacks of a terrorist organization there are protests around Europe!   Beware of an anti-Semitic agenda being employed by those pretending to be concerned.  More and more it seems nowadays that people are only concerned about others only when it furthers their own agenda.

Wow!  Phenomenal!  Praise the Living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Who REVEALS the thoughts and intents of the heart, even BEFORE certain events take place!!!   Much of this was written in July of the year!  I shared this powerful revelation from the Lord with certain family members at a little picnic we had at a park.  Remarkable two of my daughter’s children indicated they understood!  May He Who opens the eyes of children be blessed!  This was BEFORE the events of Ferguson , Missouri would even unfold before the nation’s eyes when a white police officer shoots and kills  an unarmed 18-year-old African American who had just robbed a store.

This sparked protests in the area and “outsiders” began to come in – JUST AS THE LORD HAD REVEALED!!!  It was a tense situation with the usual insults and accusations being used to feed the culture of bigotry and hate within the AA community.  An opportunity was seized upon by slick activists to prod people to vent their hatred while using a tragedy to hide behind.   For AA youth are killed week after week in the democrat strongholds of America in greater numbers, and yet this senseless killing does not spark similar outrage.   Why?  Why is there a double standard?   Indeed, AA political and so-called “religious” leaders support and open the door for the COLD-BLOODED  MURDER OF MILLIONS OF AA BABIES, and yet I see no calls for the indictment and jailing of these leaders within the AA community.   Do not the lives of these unarmed, precious babies count?

The Lord has exposed and revealed what the real story and issues are.  He has removed the masks of those who pretend to be concerned, but who are really concerned about exploiting someone else’s misfortune to advance their own personal, selfish, sordid agenda.  The unscrupulous are using, exploiting, and manipulating the suffering of others for their own purposes.  BE AWARE  AND  BEWARE!

July 26, 2014

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