Thursday, January 12, 2012

Burayu Mariam, Ethiopia 2003 to 2004

Eventually, in 2004 we moved closer to Addis Ababa, to a town by the name of Burayu Mariam, about 4 kilometers outside of Addis.  With Meheret's help we were able to rent a house down this road, which you can see gets muddy when it rains.   Since we did not have a vehicle, we would walk out to the main road to catch a mini-bus to Addis.  Here we stayed until 2006 when we traveled to Namibia.  In Africa, extending one's visa can be difficult unless one is working with an organization.  In general, we noted a SHOCKING LACK OF AMERICAN MISSIONARIES IN AFRICA.   The Lord would show us that 21st century missions was not what it should be!   Later, in the summer 2011 magazine of the Church of God, an article admitted that the denomination LACKED "PASSION" FOR MISSIONS!   We already had seen that.   And the American missionaries we did run into tended to be more "exclusive", rather than "inclusive".  That was not helpful.  Even quite a few of the ministers/pastors we knew in America would not even communicate with us.   Only once did a church organization send one luggage with a friend with items in it.   Again, later in America, the Lord indicated the shocking reality that people treat their animals (house pets) better than the church treats its missionaries!  HOW TRUE!!!  Greed and selfishness in America was hurting Africa, and would eventually lead to America's economic crisis triggered by the sub-prime mortgage market.   With individual donations we were able to pay for living, transportation, and communication expenses, but we lacked funds to launch a major project.

Some of the major areas/problems needing to be addressed:
1. Witchcraft
2. "Calicha"
3. Exploitation - African on African
4. Out-of-control GREED and PRIDE
5. Education and work opportunities for women.
6. Access to CLEAN WATER.
7. Decent wages
8. Parks and recreation facilities for youth.

In urban areas, there is the extra problem of street children and teenage girls being sexually exploited.

Burayu Mariam - a few kilometers outside of Addis Ababa on the road to Ambo.  The houses and muddy road.

13 months of sunshine, huh? That's how Ethiopia advertises - though the central highlands got a LOT OF RAIN when we were there!  This photo is pretty bright!  Here Evelyn with "Blondie" on dirt and stone road.  Eucalyptus trees in background.  Used for firewood & building material. Imported from Australia originally, their fast growth became key reason for keeping the capital of Ethiopia at Addis Ababa.

Outside our residence. Narrow road with few small shops - often adjacent to or in front of homes as noted by orange tarp(s). People commonly put walls around their compounds. Those walls sent a real message about the reality of Africa!!!
Rainy & muddy day

"Blondie" playing...

        while I watch... 

Play hide and seek...

Beautiful countryside sights!

Rainy day in Holeta - waiting for taxi to come to take us home.

Women doing construction work.  Women working like this is very common in Ethiopia.  Generally they would be paid about $0.93 for a whole 8-hr. day! Decent wages was a real problem.  This is a real hardship for someone trying to support a family.
Lack of wheelbarrows; women use a "stretcher" of wood and a tin sheet to carry stones.

Youth playing "foosball" outside - very common sight.

Typical street life.

Women selling vegetables and fruits on side street.

At Burayu Mariam there is a "Water station" where women get water in their containers and then carry it either on their backs or by donkey back to their residence.


Wude waiting in line...young mom wearing light green sweater .   We discovered shocking "SANITATION PROBLEMS" near waterways.  So ACCESS TO CLEAN WATER is a major issue in some areas.  Lack of clean water is a HEALTH ISSUE.  It was shocking to discover that children under 5 would die due to complications from diarrhea!!  Plus, consider the TIME IT TAKES just to get water to one's residence!

Following a pathway from our residence to our quiet places... 

Going  down a rocky path in the countryside...

Continuing our long walk....

So peaceful...

A hawk flies above us. Though it is not an eagle, it reminds me of Isa 40:31.

Unexpected visitor often came by to play with Blondie... totally awesome.

Maazi & I rode on "garri" to the road to Gafersa Lake.  While Paul took his bike... 

This lake gives water to people of Addis Ababa. May 2005



 Soon came Christmas, as we celebrated with....

Maazi, our helper and cook

Guenet with children and Bekeytu above. And Bamlach ringing Christmas bell.

Mulu with new shoes.  The kids could be really poor.

At the Women's Promotion Center of 
the Catholic Archdiocese 
Guenet took machine embroidery training.   She is a single mom.  In general, in Africa women are not given the same education and work opportunities as men.  In Ethiopia we saw that, if they were not working on a farm, they were allowed to be domestic servants, construction workers (making about $0.93 per day!), or prostitutes.  Because of all the male exploitation of women, this is an area that needs a lot of attention!!!

Displaying her embroidery work.

In our small kitchen Mazzi preparing Italian food for supper which she learned from her Food Preparation training.
Both Guenet (left) and Maazi graduated July 30, 2005.
One of her Guenet's embroidery work hung from her classroom.

Thanks to those who helped to make it possible!!

Women's Empowerment program -- assisting women, many of whom are single moms with children with teaching and encouragement as they struggle to provide for themselves and their children. On left side, Dawit (David), a young man who could interpret. And Sable, right side corner from Women at Risk (WAR - an organization which helps women engaged in prostitution to get off the streets!).  Meeting outside of Pineta Restaurant.

Putting up goal posts in Burayu Mariam.   In general there are few parks in Africa, and there is a REAL LACK OF RECREATION FACILITIES FOR YOUTH.   AFRICA  NEEDS  SO  MUCH.   It is not "rocket science".  Someone only has to care.

 As was my experience as coordinator for an URBAN YOUTH GREENING PROGRAM on the north side of Chicago, getting the youth involved was not difficult.   They follow you.   In general, whether in a drug/gang-infested neighborhood of Chicago or an impoverished area of Africa, youth yearn for ATTENTION and for a SENSE OF VALUE.

Traditional clothes - Pineta Restaurant which served Italian food and Ethiopian food. From the left, Alem, Ashenafe, Antony, & Mulu. Front: Salem and Mimi.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

God bless you all of you who really care for the needy. I wonder how you came to Burayu Mariam. I am very greatfull for your effert to do what Jesus has taught you. Whatever you do for the little one you know that you will have the reward from Him .
May the God of the living bless you
TAM from Norway