Thursday, January 05, 2012


There is a shocking LACK  OF  PARKS in Africa.  In comparison, the city of Chicago used to have over 560 parks, and much of Chicago's lakefront is dedicated to beautiful parkland!  We take so much for granted here in America.  If people could only "SEE" how people live in Africa, and the poor "playing surfaces" which are available for the children!  In general, the boys especially love to play soccer, but cheap, plastic balls don't hold up well in areas filled with rocks and thorns, etc..  Due to the extreme poverty in many areas, however, that is about all they can afford - if even that!  In Ethiopia, a non-leather soccer ball might cost me about 15 birr (granted, I probably got the "ferengi" price!) which is reasonable in terms of the dollar, but not in a country where a woman (and they do!) working 8 hours on a construction site would be paid ONLY ABOUT 93 CENTS FOR THE WHOLE DAY!   Would you pay 1 or 2 days salary for a ball when struggling just to afford food, medicine, and school fees?!  And especially for a ball that probably will not last very long on the rough playing surfaces?!

One day I would like to build a playing field (or fields) in Africa - somewhere where children can escape the grinding poverty and hardships of what is everyday life in many parts of Africa - where children can enjoy the basic joys of childhood.  That is one of the visions the Lord has given me for Africa.  Eventually, it can even grow into a SPORTS  MINISTRY (with basketball, tennis, baseball?)  even with a YOUTH CENTER, library,..... That depends on the Lord.  I enjoy sports quite a bit, and it would be a privilege to be able to "pass forward" the gift I had to others!   But for now, I am beginning small with a project: "SPORT BALLS FOR AFRICA" to collect funds, soccer balls (new and used), air pumps and needles to take to Africa in the very near future.  I would at least like to be able to get some sturdy balls to the children for now.   
They would greatly appreciate even that.  I have a few already as you can see in the photo.  If you would like to participate, or if you know someone who would like to participate and/or donate in some way, then please contact us by email:, or by phone: 920-918-3943.   


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