Wednesday, January 11, 2012


July 24, 2011

Greetings in the powerful, wonderful name of Jesus!
The salutation brings me to a subject the LORD recently touched on, and that is how so many church congregations, organizations, etc. – especially in this area – are inviting people to their functions, programs, and activities, but WHO  IS  TALKING  ABOUT  JESUS ?!   By the nature of all the advertising, one could get the impression that church organizations were actually more of a hot dog stand!   Can you just hear them barking out like some vendor at a baseball game: “GET YOUR FREE HOT DOGS HERE!  HOT DOGS!  GET YOUR HOT DOGS!   FREE HOT DOGS  HERE!”?   Where is this taught in the Bible?   Where is this found in Peter's and Paul's preaching?   How did the church ever get off on this kind of stuff?   How many other common church practices are also not biblically based?   Why does the church BODY meet only once a week?   Isn't the TRUE BIBLICAL MODEL found in Acts 2:46 – “And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart.”
When and why did we ever stop “CONTINUING”?   WHY  and when did we ever stop “CONTINUING  DAILY”, meeting with LOVE AND UNITY, even going from house to house sharing meals?  Think about this and other examples as well.   Has the church gotten off on a path of “following traditions of man”, instead of following and obeying God??   Could this explain why so much of the “manifest presence” of Jesus and God's power has vanished from church settings?   Indeed, a 12-year-old South African boy has returned from Heaven with a message:  today's church has become the “lukewarm” Laodicean church mentioned in Revelation.   The church must WAKE UP, get on its face, and “press into REVIVAL”!  What is your church congregation doing?  Is it even corporately PRAYING  FOR  REVIVAL??  World events are  accelerating.   The headlines are screaming out – massive storms, torrid temperatures, earthquakes, scandals, tragedies …., and the last thing the world needs is a complacent church, ho-humming, twiddling its thumbs, “going through the motions”, sitting and listening Sunday after Sunday, but not DOING, OBEYING GOD, AND MAKING A DIFFERENCE!!    Some congregations celebrate Pentecost, but they don't practice it.  You can always tell those who are actually “living Godly in Christ Jesus”, because they are “suffering persecution” -  II Timothy 3:12.
Are you suffering persecution?  Do you people have you labelled as always “talking about God” at work?   Do people try to take away your FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS  of free speech whenever you refer to God in a conversation, whether you are consciously preaching or not?  Note also in II Timothy that in the “last days” those who are evil will “despise those that do good.”   In other words, all one has to do is good, and they will be despised!   That's why all the unfounded hatred poured upon Sarah Palin and even her baby tells me that indeed she is anointed of God and must have a very high calling.    John McCain simply asked her to be on his ticket, and right away people target her.    They pour through her emails, and instead they find a profoundly deep and heart-warming Sarah Palin that becomes a youtube sensation when it comes to the light of day: “Sarah, God here.”   What the 'despisers of those who are good' intended for evil, GOD TURNED AROUND FOR GOOD!!!
The Lord has indicated to me that I should do what I can to help her.   If you are wise, you will do the same and support her.   Or are you afraid of what others will say?   As John Paul Jackson pointed out in “The Perfect Storm”, (Sept. 2008), the church is no longer the backbone of America, the “CHANGE AGENT”!  “The church has replaced God's power with programs, revelation with administration, and the Father's heart with organizational skills!!”  The church has abdicated so much of its responsibilities to corrupt government officials, and so many seem to be content with watching the corrupt run America into the ground as they simultaneously tear down America's Godly values.   Is this good stewardship?   How will people answer Jesus when He asks them why they allowed generation after generation to rape the souls of the children with their “poison”??!  John Paul Jackson clearly placed the fault for the problems America is currently facing squarely on the shoulders of the church.   You don't expect the corrupt to bring positive change, do you?   We need a whole army of Sarah Palins, people who are not afraid to take on the evil “giants” of the land to usher in REVIVAL and real change in America.   Government programs are about as effective as church programs.   Who wants more?   What we need is a change in people, in their lifestyles, and in their attitudes!!   Then things will change when people love and respect one another, help one another (without the need of a cold, bureaucratic government program), share with one another, and lift up positive values throughout society!
What blindness has hit the church that so many do not “see”?   Why are so many proud, self-content, self-congratulatory, busy flattering one another?   Have they not witnessed the moral erosion of America's foundations – the very Godly values that helped build America?  Are they happy about this?   Then why aren't more stirred to action, intervening, praying?
Recently, the Lord showed me what America looks like from Heaven's perspective:   It is like unto “a boy who vomits into a toilet bowl, and then... licks it up from the toilet bowl.  Repulsive?  Yes!  America has become morally repulsive!   It even licks up and celebrates the shame it has vomited up.   Why, even in a serious recession, do people use payday to get drunk?   How selfishly irresponsible is that?   And then they joke and brag about it later?!   Why do men (maybe some women now too) brag about all the people of the opposite sex whom they have sexually exploited for their own pleasure?   Why does society condone all the profanity, obscenities, and cussing in public?  Why do parents and school officials allow  condoms in schools along with witchcraft stories?
For decades America has celebrated the murder of babies in the womb as a “right”.   What about the RIGHTS OF THAT CHILD?!   It celebrates sodomy with parades and abominations.   The Lord revealed in 2005 that Mr. Obama has a homosexual agenda, and now recently he has announced that those who practice the sin of sodomy can serve in the military!!   There goes the military.  Greed, corruption, drugs, profanity, disrespect, scandals......    We've gone from Aretha Franklin's song “RESPECT' to rappers violent, anti-feminist lyrics: “beat the 'b' with a bat”.    And people follow and idolize the latter!!  Kids talk about love and unity while grooving to the music of some artist who beat up his girlfriend!!   But how they hate Sarah Palin who loves her baby!   PEOPLE CELEBRATE  THEIR SHAME, BUT LOOK THE OTHER WAY AT CLEAR INJUSTICES!!!
Recent decades have built a society here in America upon its own shame.  This is no good, and America is reaping the consequences of what it has planted.   It must be undone.    The “seeds” must be changed in order to bring in a fruitful “harvest”.   We need to return to good, Godly values that will bring God's blessing once again.  Time is short.  We are flying right into the midst of a “Perfect Storm”.   Signs are everywhere that something is drastically wrong, and our current “flight pattern” must be abruptly altered!
Congress is infected with greedy politicians.   For decades they have stolen, spent, and wasted taxpayers' money.   They won't tell you that.   The reason that Social Security and Medicare is in such trouble is because the money is not there!   They served their interests, doing what they could to get re-elected, not serving the public's best interests with sound fiscal policy..   And even with looming economic collapse on the horizon, democrats won't even allow a vote on passing a cut, cap, and balance budget amendment!    For a long time it's been about them, not about you, but the American public – so engrossed with its own selfish pursuits – did not even notice.  It's just one sad scene.
Sadly, millions of babies killed in the name of hedonism could have become productive, tax-paying citizens by now, contributing their manifold talents to improving society!   America has sown the “seeds” of its own problems!
And who does America have for a leader?   Someone whom the Lord has said is “infected with the spirit of 'Babylon'”!  'Babylon' is depicted in Chapter 17 of Revelation.   The Bible refers to 'Babylon' as the “great whore”, a woman “arrayed in purple and scarlet colour”...”having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:”.   The Bible says, 'With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.”  America was somehow blinded to “see” and DISCERN the essence and true character of someone who sat in an anti-American, anti-Caucasian “church” (there's that problem again) for 20 years.
The Lord recently compared Mr. Obama to King Ahab (I Kings, chapter 21), who COVETED and SEIZED the vineyard of Naboth.  Notice the reason Naboth gives to the king for his refusal to give him his vineyard.   Naboth said he could not give him, the king, the inheritance of his fathers!   The king is greatly saddened.  How much JEALOUSY, ENVY, AND RESENTMENT must fuel one's frustrations and anger!!   Alas, his wife, Jezebel, concocts an evil plan.  She sent out communication to the 'nobles' to call Naboth out – in effect setting him up for an ambush.   Once he came out to the people, 2 people came to falsely accuse him, infuriating the people around him who killed him. King Ahab then takes possession of the vineyard.   NOTE THE  PATTERN!    A person in power hatches a clever, sordid scheme to falsely assassinate the character of another whom they envy, encouraging a “feeding frenzy” of “attack sharks” to do the dirty work of getting rid of the person, so that the person behind the scenes and the plot can then TAKE WHAT THEY COVETED.
This is why Mr. BO has been resorting to playing the “class warfare” card!   He is trying to divide the nation by pitting people against one another – for his own personal agenda and advantage!   He continually attacks corporations and the wealthy of this country., even though the top 1% of taxpayers reportedly already paid more than the bottom 95%!   He wants to turn people against those who create the jobs in this country, so that he can have an excuse to tax them more to get even more of their money out of envy because he covets what they have!   He is therefore motivated by covetousness, hatred, jealousy, envy, and anger, and not by justice!  This must be exposed.   People must pray to bring down this evil agenda before BO destroys this country.   Notice that already he will not sign off on any debt reduction bill unless he get his tax increases which will prolong, if not deeply worsen the current economic recession because it will take money out of the productive base of the economy.   Refuse to “play” with the deck of  political ploys (“cards”) that include either ethnic or class warfare cards in them!   Insist on love, peace, unity, and truth!
So who is Mr. BO?   The Lord recently showed me.   You know how African-Americans especially are real touchy about talking about certain subjects – like anything to do with BO?   It is as though they think they own him.   Here you have no clearer example of someone who is mixed, and yet people don't even call him that!   What!   Have people totally erased his mother into oblivion?  Well, the other night the Lord showed me using a long pole to poke into a tall tree with foliage on top.   I was standing close to my property line, and my neighbors – mostly, if not all, of whom were African-American were out there eyeing what I was doing.   They were particularly concerned about anything that I would poke out or dislodge from this tree which would 'fall' on their “favorite” shrub which  stradled the property line – like some do in real life, HALF ON ONE SIDE, AND HALF ON THE OTHER.   Anyways, they were so concerned about this shrub!   One, it was only a shrub, no big deal.   Secondly, it technically did not even belong to them entirely, but rather was something we shared!   But to appease them, if anything (any fact or nugget of truth) was going to “fall” on 'their'  (where the falsehood lies) “favorite” shrub, then I would take one hand and knock it away before it hit the shrub.  They seemed to be particularly annoyed that I was poking around.   But it got to the point where my pole was not long enough to reacher any higher into the tree.  In the natural, I was limited.   I would need divine help to reach any higher!  Then, like a dried frond appeared, hanging from beneath the foliage.   I saw that I could reach it with the pole, and decided to see if I could “pull it down”!   I did!   And then I was stunned!   For it exposed a HUGE SNAKE, thick in diameter like a python, coiled around the trunk of tree, which had been previously hidden until I had pulled away its covering!!!   It was instant EMERGENCY for the SNAKE was right there over us!   It required QUICK ACTION!  The SNAKE dropped quickly to the ground, and like a dog began to chase my neighbors to devour them!   I ran for the door (go figure, there are “doors” outside), beckoning the others to make a dash to the door if they could, so that we could CLOSE that and a window BEFORE THE SNAKE COULD ESCAPE!!!
That “snake” is BO.   And what many African-Americans don't even realize in their bias and blindness is that he will “devour” them as well as everybody else!   They are embracing someone, who if he succeeds in destroying America and its economy, will take them down with it!   BO must know about all the homeless in Washington, DC.   If he really cared about them, wouldn't he have done something for them by now?   From his position it would not have taken much to mobilize the community.
Beware, the “snake” is ready to pounce.   It will require quick action to close the “open door” and “window” in order to avert a major disaster.  Discerning minds are needed.  People using their paychecks to get drunk are not going to “see” very clearly.   And self-indulgent church congregations having hot dog sales are not very helpful either.
America must “see” its true condition, and wake up to what it has allowed to happen.   And all Americans (male and female, all ethnicities, etc.....) must take QUICK CORRECTIVE ACTION TO REMEDY THE SITUATION WHICH IS FAST TURNING INTO AN EMERGENCY.

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